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Wondering how the world can be saved or changed we do-gooders usually think of actions: we should create new laws, go to demonstrations, convince people, change our lifestyle, buy politically correct products, become vegetarians, invite our foreign neighbors, grow biological vegetables in home gardens, become member of a party, run for a parliamentary seat, fly to Africa to establish a new NGO…   

However, there is a simple truth lurking in ambush: Those who don’t do a lot don’t destroy a lot.   Of course we do know this, too. So, many of us try to slow down. But how? There is a huge range of courses on the market that promise to teach us how to meditate, how to simplify our lives, how to become more relaxed, how to pray, how to reach physical balance, how to maintain our health, how to reduce stress, how to let our energies flow…  

And this is what I do sometimes: I vegetate.   Vegetating is no technique, no method, no art, no lifestyle, no target, no program. You can’t learn it, you can’t train it. You do not have to pay money to get a diploma. It’s no additional date in your agenda. You do not have to sit upright or to move or breathe in a certain way. You do not need a master or guide. You do not have to think nor let your thoughts go.    

Just vegetate. Be a plant. And then tell me how it was.


Dr. theol. Ina Praetorius
Kirchenrain 10
CH-9630 Wattwil

+41 71 988 88 30


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Care und Wirtschaft 

Online-Kamingespräch, mit Via Campesina Austria 
Montag, 24. Februar 2025, 19h bis 21h

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